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Coastal Cities - Entropic [Crash And The Coots Remix]



Following the release of their incredible new video for Entropic, British indie band Coastal Cities have brought unique lo-fi trio Crash And The Coots on board to remix the lead single from their double A side single 'Entropic / Nothing Ever Changes', released on 3rd June through Once Upon A Time Records.

Ruffling up the original track, the remix still maintains the summer festival sound yet sends it through a deranged lo-fidelity vortex. The uplifting beat is accompanied with amazing samples whilst the vocals hold a key position in the mix; all in all providing a track just as great as the original.

Pre-order the double A side on iTunes<> now. Coastal Cities will be supporting Satellite Stories at Birthdays, London on 23rd May.



Tom Mehrtens | Junior Online PR | Purple Entertainment | 27 - 29 Glasshouse St, London, W1B 5DF






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