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Star Statements International / Top News / The Airplane Boys
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The Airplane Boys (APB)




Airplane Boys



The Airplane Boys (APB)

Toronto based 2 piece AIRPLANE BOYS (APB) have once again released an astounding piece of visual footage, this time for their latest single 'On The Low'. Premiered by Billboard the video combines quirky slow mo, stop start and rewind footage to give an interesting look at a track about the bands views on “When people are attracted to you for what we feel are the wrong reasons" says the band’s Beck Motley. Filmed in their hometown of Scarborough, Toronto the boys re-visit the areas where they had their first “trial and error” dates in the area growing up and ultimately their main aim for the video was for it to feel “sexy, but yet strange” and create another unique piece of videography.





Adam Guest | Online | Purple Entertainment | 27 - 29 Glasshouse St, London, W1B 5DF










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